Miniature Donkey Gelding Incentive Program
Program Update
The NMDA Board of Directors are happy to report that the Gelding Incentive Program is a success--no longer a trial Program, but a permanent part of NMDA's offerings to the Miniature Donkey community. Your tax-deductible donations, along with NMDA's original $5,000 backing is allowing us all to make a very real difference in the genetic heritage of Miniature Donkeys, as well as provide these gelded jacks with a better quality of life.
The start of the NMDA Miniature Donkey Gelding Incentive Program was announced as a trial Program in the Spring 2002 ASSET. A unique aspect of the trial Program was the partnering of NMDA and the membership in the goals of promoting geldings as true "Ambassadors of the Breed" by demonstrating their endearing, gentle qualities and at the same time having a positive effect on the overabundance of jacks in the population. One hundred percent of your tax-deductible donations to this Program are used exclusively for gelding Miniature Donkeys. Rebates of $50 are offered to owners who agree to fulfill a few simple requirements.
As the strengthening of the Gelding Incentive Program has become apparent, so has the opportunity of expanding the Program to facilitate the goal of gelding Miniature Donkeys not only for owners, but U.S. registered charities that have Miniature Donkeys under their care.
While the Gelding Incentive Program is primarily intended for those who need assistance with veterinary expenses, the fundamental goal is to actively promote the gelding of as many Miniature Donkeys as possible — everyone is invited to participate, including Miniature Donkey Rescues.
NMDA Gelding Incentive Program Requirements
- Applicant must be a current NMDA member.
- Each farm will be limited to one rebate each year, however a second rebate will be granted as long as funds are available.
- Owners will be required to provide a Veterinary Statement of Castration (provided by NMDA, included in pdf below) along with a copy of the veterinarian's original billing statement.
- The gelded jack must be registered and a copy of the Registration Certificate indicating he is a gelding is required.
To apply, complete the NMDA Gelding Incentive Program Application and Veterinary Statement of Castration.
Inquiries, donations and applications for rebates may be directed to the NMDA Central Office: 315-336-0154; 315-339-4414 (FAX); nmdaasset@aol.com; 6450 Dewey Rd., Rome, New York 13440
Donations to this program
Please be assured that 100% of your donation to this program are used exclusively for Gelding Miniature Donkey!