There may be changes from a foal coat to a mature coat color. A clearer idea of what the mature coat will be is to look at the color of a foalšs hair close to the body or on the head around the eyes. The Miniature Donkey Registry requests registrations to be updated after an individualšs third birthday providing mature height, one clear photo of each side and notification of any changes in markings or coat color.
Whether an animal is being evaluated for purposes of the show ring or breeding on the farm, coat color or pattern should be considered "invisible" as a selection factor and subordinate to characteristics of conformation.
The Miniature Donkey Registry recognizes the following coat colors:
Gray, Black or Brown or Red Roan
Black with cross
Black, no cross
Blue-Eyed White (Ivory)
Unusual colors (Cameo, colors that do not fit visual category) or
Combination colors (Red/gray-dun = Rose dun)
Red (Sorrel)
Spotted (on all base colors)
White FSW (Frosted Spotted White)
The Miniature Donkey Registry does not use Chocolate, Pink or other coat color descriptions. For more detailed descriptions of the above coat colors contact the Miniature Donkey Registry, c/o American Donkey and Mule Society, P.O. Box 1210, Lewisville, Texas 75067.
Albinoism is a congenital deficiency characterized by complete lack of pigment including the iris of the eyes which are pink. It is a recessive trait requiring both parents to carry this gene.