Authors, Books
Hodges, Meredith
Training Mules & Donkeys, a Logical Approach To Longears
Hutchins, Paul and Betsy
The Definitive Donkey A Textbook on the Modern Ass
Morris, Dorothy
Looking After A Donkey
Oxford Press University 1988
Svendsen, Elisabeth (compiled by)
The Professional Handbook of The Donkey
Published by the Donkey Sanctuary
Sovereign Printing Group, England 1986
Sponenberg, D. Phillip and Christman, Carolyn, J.
A Conservation Breeding Handbook
The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
PO Box 477, Pittsboro, NC 27312, 1995
Weaver, Sue
The Donkey Companion
Storey Publications 2008
Purdy, Stephen R.
Donkeys — A Veterinary Guide for Owners and Breeders
Trafalgar Square Books 2010
Magazines, Newsletters
quarterly publication by
National Miniature Donkey Association
6450 Dewey Rd., Rome, N.Y. 13440
(315) 336-0154
The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy News
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy
P.O. Box 477, Pittsboro, N.C. 27312
(919) 542-5704
The Brayer
bi-monthly publication by
American Donkey and Mule Society,
P.O. Box 1210, Lewisville, Texas 75067
(972) 219-0781
Donkey & Mule News
quarterly publication by
Canadian Donkey and Mule Association,
25766 - 48 Ave., Langley, BC V4W 1J2
Phone 604-857-4990